Sunday, November 9, 2014

Harold Sikkema: i am curious — an art exhibition

Opening reception at Dordt College on 23 October with gallery talk by Harold Sikkema

Somnium in Offertore ©2014 Harold Sikkema

Dordt College presents “i am curious: awe and oddity in the otherverse,” an art exhibit by Harold Sikkema of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. His collection of 40 pieces will be on display October 23 to November 30 in the Dordt College Art Gallery in the Campus Center.

The exhibition is an exceptional visual banquet celebrating the myriad of images from the digital curios of artist Harold Sikkema. Most of Harold’s artwork for this exhibition was produced this year especially for the Dordt College community. As Harold says, “These Digital Tapestries or Adobe Photoshop montages have more than a hundred layers. The artistry is revealed through manipulating images on layers that lay beneath the surface.

David Versluis the art gallery coordinator states, “In essence Sikkema’s show subtitled, ‘awe and oddity in the otherverse,’ is responding in a very lyrical manner to the second article of the Belgic Confession, which is one of the three confessions of the Reformed Church tradition. Harold mentions that, ‘The Bible reveals God's revelation of salvation but ‘the otherverse’ reveals the revelation of God through the unfolding of His creation.’”

In one of his pieces called Confluence, (42 in. x 42 in.) Harold suggests that, “You can stay safely in your hive but that's not where the action is…. ‘Test me in this,’ says the LORD Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven’”