Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Harold Sikkema: Curiosity as strange, but also as inquisitive

Dordt College recently completed the run of “I am curious” art exhibition by Canadian artist/designer Harold Sikkema. The following are notes from one of Harold's presentations when he was visiting the College.

By Matt Van Rys—
My Notes on Harold Sikkema, Visiting Artist/Designer
Dordt College Senior Seminar Class Visit / Presentation—21 October 2014.
  • From Caledonia Ontario.
  • Working Graphic Designer, Web Developer and Fine Artist
  • Showed exhibition design, to scale, pillars, wall layouts with templates provided by David [Versluis] (see illustration above).
  • Freelance, Self-Employed.
  • Spoke of the importance of curating as part of the art making process
  • Conversation within a specific space
  • Think about the installation as it reflects with the work
  • Harold is also currently using Google’s Open Gallery to show digital versions of what the “i am curious Show might look like.
  • Expressed habit of being on the lookout for traces of humanity all around, think footprints, scratches, paths, trails and the like.
  1. Borrowing as a way of respecting the people around you (collaboration, making marks in the world together)
  2. Photoshop can be a very lonely place, just you and the screen
  3. It can make you move to get more active engagement
  4. How to connect the dots between art and religion (Reformed as a form of minimalism)
  • Community as performance artwork – committed to a confession
  • Community world service Asia (example of branding and website)
  • Commercial work can enrich your personal art
  • Journaling and writing as a secondary outlet and resource (good and helpful for building and shaping perspective)
  • Curiosity as strange, but also as inquisitive
  • “Otherverse” as nature, the other form of revelation