Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Dordt College Portfolio Review Night 2015

Poster design by Amanda Oberman, Dordt College Junior

Dordt College Department of Art and Design
PORTFOLIO REVIEW NIGHT! (not for students only)
Portfolio Review Night 2015 is featuring the talents of these great creatives:

Jamin Ver Velde
Creative Director, Dordt College
Creative Director, Brand New Web & Creative Development
Rob Haan
Marketing Creative Lead, Alpha Omega Publications
Ellie Dykstra
Creative Director, Rise Ministries
Brian Rykes
Graphic Designer, Creative Resource Inc.
Matt Van Rys
Creative Director, Van Rys Studios

Join us for Portfolio Review Night! 
Monday the 27th, 6:30-8:30pm.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

“bare” exhibition at Dordt College

Aubrey Pasker: Poster Design

Dordt College senior Aubrey Pasker will present her senior art show, “bare,” from April 6 to April 12.

A reception will be held in the Campus Center Art Gallery on Wednesday, April 8, from 5 to 6:15 p.m. The artist’s talk will begin at 5:15 p.m. Refreshments will be served.

“bare” incorporates photography, makeup artistry, personal statements, and real-life victims in an attempt to express the physical and psychological effects of sexual violence. The show, which began as a cathartic work for Pasker, quickly grew into an opportunity for victims to share their experience and find healing and support in one other.

“It’s definitely a combination of my passions,” says Pasker. “I love art, but I also have a passion for sexual healing. This show allowed me to use my gifts and talents to bring healing–both for myself and for the other girls involved.”

Pasker hopes that “bare” might serve as a starting point for more discussion on sexual violence. “It’s a bigger issue than most people realize,” she says. “And I think it’s time we acknowledged how many people are affected by it, even in our Christian community.”

Pasker, from Des Moines, will graduate in May with a degree in graphic design and worship arts. After college, she plans to attend a YWAM (Youth With a Mission) school focused on prostitution and trafficked victim ministries and hopes to continue her art within this field.