Thursday, December 14, 2017

Dordt College: A Gun Violence Project—Small Gallery Installation

Dordt College | Graphic Design 2 | Spring 2017
L-R: Jenna Stephens, Henry Meurs, Ellen Inggrid Dengah,
Prof. David Versluis, Kaitlyn Frye, Jonathan Fictorie,
Tessa DeJong, and Adri Van Groningen
missing: Christina “Crissy” Chahyadinata, and Sarah Dykstra

Adapting Loyola University’s artist-in-residence Rick Valicenti’s syllabus, Dordt’s graphic design students produced their own work by contextualizing gun violence in the heartland. In one component, students responded by developing “zines & banners” to generate campus community awareness/sensitivity. The project became more poignant for students when they featured Donald Trump’s infamous quote, “I could shoot somebody on Fifth Ave.…”, a statement made on Dordt's campus early in 2016. The project has generated discussion and interest, both positive and negative.