Wednesday, July 1, 2009

BLUR follow-up

Image courtesy of thirst / a design collaborative / © 2009.

As a follow-up to the previous post, and an(other) insight — Thirst's, John Pobojewski sent this message:
while michael's/farrah's/billy's ['TV pitchman,' Billy Mays] passing last week dominated the news cycle, we felt it was worthy to share a story with you all that ultimately ended up getting trumped.

the sears tower announced a landmark renovation effort to reduce 80% of the base building’s energy use. for a structure of such staggering size, this means 72,000,000 pounds of CO2 saved every year.

we created 2 video presentations and accompanying supporting graphics to tell the story to the international press. view more on our website:

you can read more about the project here:

it is a wonderfully rewarding story to tell... thanks for listening!


john pobojewski
thirst / a design collaborative /


  1. It's so great to hear about and see the effort behind this project, putting a landmark building again at the forefront of architectural engineering. Great post.

  2. thanks Sarah, for the comment – indeed, Chicago sets a 'green' example.


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