Monday, March 21, 2011

Chicago Tribute Marker for László Moholy-Nagy

Photography credits (clockwise, starting upper right):
Sokolik, Frank. Moholy-Nagy at his desk, Institute of Design, Chicago. c. 1945. Photograph. Moholy-Nagy Foundation, Ann Arbor. Web. 21 Mar. 2011.
Set design for “Things to Come,” used on the cover of the brochure for The New Bauhaus. c. 1936. Photograph. Moholy-Nagy Foundation, Ann Arbor. Web. 21 Mar. 2011.
Versluis, David. Chicago Tribute Marker for László Moholy-Nagy. 2011. Photograph.

The Chicago Tribute Marker for Moholy-Nagy states the following:
László Moholy-Nagy
Artist and educator

László Moholy-Nagy came to Chicago in 1937 to direct the New Bauhaus, an experimental art and design school. One of the most creative personalities of his time, Moholy-Nagy was a writer, painter, photographer, filmmaker, teacher, set-designer, builder of light-space machines, and philosopher of new aesthetics. He believed that art offered a way to reorder society after the traumatic years of World War I, and technology would pave the way.

Hungarian-born, Moholy-Nagy served in World War I and received a law degree before joining the faculty of the Bauhaus, a German school for the modern application of art and technology. He joined some of the most innovative thinkers of the day—Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, and Joseph Albers—and became a crucial figure in modern photography, pioneering the photomontage and developing the camera-less medium of the “photogram.”

The New Bauhaus, located in the old Marshall Field residence at 1905 South Prairie Avenue, closed for financial reasons after only one year. In 1939, Moholy-Nagy opened his own “School of Design,” which changed its name to “Institute of Design” in 1944. He directed the Institute of Design until his death. His textbook, Vision in Motion, became a standard text for art and design education worldwide. Moholy-Nagy lived here at 2622 North Lakeview Avenue.

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